Top 10 WDW Treats You Can Take Home

It’s the day we all dread. Our Disney vacation is over. We make our way to our “real world” home clinging to the moments we enjoyed and immediately longing for the day we return.

Disney fans have all sorts of coping strategies for dealing with the post-Disney vacation blues, but one of us Griswolds favorites is to bring some of the wonderful tastes of Disney home with us. It definitely helps take the edge of the blues to unwrap and bite into one of our favorite treats from the “Happiest Place on Earth.”

With that in mind, here is our Griswolds Magical Memories list of the Top 10 Treats you can bring home with you:

We all want to make that feeling of being on a Walt Disney World vacation continue after we’ve returned home, and there are many ways you can do that. Most commonly you will bring home a souvenir that will remind you of your vacation, but have you ever thought about purchasing some of the delicious treats served at Walt Disney World to keep tasting the magic once you’ve returned home? Not only have I thought about it, I’ve done it (and I’m sure many of you have as well). Now, please note that my family drives to Walt Disney World, so some of these options will really only work if you drive, but some are available even if you fly. Without further ado, here are my Top 10 Treats to take home:

  1. Spices

There are a number of locations where specialty spices, sauces, sweeteners (sugar) and other specialties can be found. And these are among the easiest to not only take home, but also among some of the best Disney gifts to bring back for the foodies on your list. With the opening of Disney Springs, the spice options have been take to a whole new level at the new Spice & Tea Exchange. There are some many things we’ve not seen anywhere else from specialty salts, to flavored sugars…and yes, there is also a rather impressive collection of teas!

  1. Lollipops

Who doesn’t lollipop, and what’s better than one from WDW? The options are endless, from big-to-small, from “unicorns” to gigantic swirling versions. Again, very easy to grab some extras and throw them in your bag to have at home.

  1. Cupcakes

The “hot” cupcake spot at WDW right now is the new Sprinkles at Disney Springs and, yes, they are extra special. But whether from Sprinkles or elsewhere around the parks and resorts, the cupcakes can be boxed and while they won’t last more than a week or so in terms of freshness, just one or two for those really “sad” days when you just return from your trip can do you a world of good!

  1. Karamel Kuche

There are many, many food-related reasons that Germany is one of the favorites for “foodies” around Epcot’s World Showcase. We agree with many other bloggers and travel writers that the pinnacle of Germany’s culinary prowess is the famed Karamel Kuche. Just the smell of the shop makes us happy, and when you bite into one of its delectable treats, you can close your eyes and, just for a minute, be transported back to WDW. Pick any of their caramel treats and consider a prescription to can take home to beat back those post-vacation blues.

  1. Mickey “Goldfish”

Two things most every Disney fan likes are Mickey Mouse and Pepperidge Farm Goldfish – and even if you don’t “love” the goldfish crackers, they are shaped like Mickey, so…why not? They come in nicely-sized, very packable containers and it’s easy to grabd a few extras while you are there and stash them at home for those moments when you really need a quick Disney food fix!

  1. Special Bakery Treats

We’ve all seen them. Some are specific to specific resorts of bakery shops, and others are available most everywhere. Some require being kept cool. Those are better for those who drive rather than fly to Disney. There are plety, though, that can be easily wrapped (ask the cast member to give you some extra special wrapping fir travel – don’t worry, they’ll “get it!” Smart travelers will actually pack a box of Ziploc bags just for this purpose (and they are also useful in a plethora of other ways.)

  1. Once Upon A Vine

Believe it or not, some of the best new wines we have every come across that are not outrageously expensive have been from Disney’s Once Upon a Vine label. You can find them at most all moderate and deluxe resort shops. We’ll never forget the time we found (and tried) a Fess Parker (remember Disney’s Davey Crocket show) that was so good, we ordered a case to be shipped to us when we got home. And, if your really into some fine specialty wines, do not miss the wine shop right at the entrance to Epcot’s Italy Pavilion.

  1. Coffee

We admit it, we have a “thing” for Kona coffee. This is among the specialty blends offered at some of the resorts. We essentially do not visit the Polynesian Resort without a stop to grab a bag. Tip: Get the unground variety for a longer shelf life once you are home.

  1. Candy from “Around the World”

Candy is candy, but some is better than others, and some of our favorites are the treats that remind us of our magical trips to Disney. As you walk around Epcot’s World Showcase, most countries have candy available that is specific to their country. Pick a few, grab some extra, and stock your candy jar at home with some unusual and tasty treats you (and your friends) are not likely to find elsewhere – at least not without some really serious searching.

  1. Rice Krispie Treats or Marshmallow Sticks

There can be only one Mickey Mouse, and there can be only one #1 on our Top 10 list. When t comes to treats you can easily bring home that will help “transport” you back to Disney, there can be only one – Mickey Rice Krispy Marshmallow Treats. Do we rally need to say any more?

Did we miss one of your favorites? Leave a comment and let us know of any you think we should consider for our Top 10 List!

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